Monday, March 3, 2008

Sen. Obama a Possible Puppet??

Monday tensions fly once again with Sen. Clinton accusing Sen. Obama of misleading the public saying he would renegotiate the North American Trade agreement because of layoffs that have been happening in Ohio in the past four years. The Obama campaign of course accuses the Clinton administration of trying to make a bigger deal of the situation then it actually is. A Canadian diplomat has responded about the whole situation saying that Obama’s criticism of NAFTA was only about political positioning rather then going onto learning how to correct the policy to help both Americans and Canadians. The Obama campaign of course cried about the whole situation denying everything and also saying that Sen. Clinton knows that would not be the case due to Sen. Obama’s past history in Chicago helping workers getting there jobs back. Personally, I’m on Sen. Clinton’s side this time because she is calling things exactly how they are written on a paper by a Canadian diplomat. The Obama campaign really never has any defense except whining about Clinton attacking him on cheap shots. I just want to tell Mr. Obama that this is an election and he needs to stop acting like a puppet every time he gets called out, like our current President has been doing for the past eight years. Sen. Obama speaks of change but all I see is all talk and no play. I believe in these past two weeks I’ve seen Sen. Obama as an excellent poet and speaker but has come very short on explaining his policies and Sen. Clinton is sticking to her guns and firing her last few bullets to stay in this race with her needing to win Ohio and Texas on Tuesday to stay in the race.

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