Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Clinton put the Moves on Colbert

As a sat down to watch the Colbert report, I noticed his forehead was a little bit too shiny for this usual situation he was in. Sen. Clinton came to save the day with some makeup and possibly a phone number to make sure that the American public knew they could count on her to take a call even at 3am to save the day. The skit was a little bit funny but when Sen. Obama sat down into the room he was very serious about getting straight into the politics for the voters! Sen. Obama said he doesn't like all the media freaking out about his pastor and rearing off the path of what his fundamental goals are in his campaign. Sen. Obama thinks that having a pastor for twenty years whom had a lot of hatred doesn't seem to make a good impression on a lot of voters. As a white male in Texas and knowing that religion is a huge issue in are small minded country, I know that people judge you on who brought you up and who has taught your fundamental goals for good portion of his time here on earth. Sen. Obama says these are just attacks to throw voters away from all the great “Change” he is able to show us in these upcoming four years. I believe if Sen. Obama doesn't get this settled down in just the Democratic primaries that John McCain will chew him up when he gets their. That is if Sen. Clinton doesn't truck in with all the votes on Tuesday and make this one heck of a long election. I just hope that Sen. Obama can get Sen. McCain on some key issues and not get slammed on his past the whole time if elected.

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