Monday, April 7, 2008

Tax's havn't gone far enough

In the article Einstein, Economy and Insanity - The effects of the economic Stimulus Act By J. Snodgrass he had many great points about why the economic stimulus plan should technically be apart of your tax refund versus having two different departments of the United states government loping your money around. I don't agree with people who say the government shouldn't take takes out of your checks because when most people have to do their taxes it is already hard enough to do them. Adding another responsibility to a lazy nation is always a bad Idea. The government also needs to have the money taken out every week from your check because the I.R.S. has enough problems trying to sort out how much money people owe them and lie about what their jobs are. Without getting taxes out of are checks each week this would hide how much people were making and how much the government should get taken out for roads,police,army,etc. and that will not happen under Americas strong hand. J. Snodgrass did have a good point mentioning that there is no reason for the Stimulus Act because it will do nothing but go to the banks we already owe money to and not the companies we buy products from!

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