Monday, May 5, 2008


I completely agree with what was said about America not needing to outsource to other countries due to our economic downfall. The only problem with these large companies trying to keep jobs in the United States is that most Americans who don't have the necessary skills to work the computers and don't really want to be telemarketers. I see daily on Craigslist companies trying to get anyone to work for Dell,XBOX, etc. and no one will work these jobs unless there is high pay and health insurance involved. The fact is that most Americans want a lot for nothing and large scale companies need reliable people to get the job done. People from other countries don't have anywhere as close as a chance to get a good pay for their families and a possible chance at a great life outside of America. I don't know how to fix the problem of outsourcing but I would imagine if laws went into effect where companies had to pay as much money to the workers in other countries as they would in America it would help the problem. With a law like that in place I would think that it would also help other countries build better stronger lives for all our brothers and sisters on earth.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Clinton put the Moves on Colbert

As a sat down to watch the Colbert report, I noticed his forehead was a little bit too shiny for this usual situation he was in. Sen. Clinton came to save the day with some makeup and possibly a phone number to make sure that the American public knew they could count on her to take a call even at 3am to save the day. The skit was a little bit funny but when Sen. Obama sat down into the room he was very serious about getting straight into the politics for the voters! Sen. Obama said he doesn't like all the media freaking out about his pastor and rearing off the path of what his fundamental goals are in his campaign. Sen. Obama thinks that having a pastor for twenty years whom had a lot of hatred doesn't seem to make a good impression on a lot of voters. As a white male in Texas and knowing that religion is a huge issue in are small minded country, I know that people judge you on who brought you up and who has taught your fundamental goals for good portion of his time here on earth. Sen. Obama says these are just attacks to throw voters away from all the great “Change” he is able to show us in these upcoming four years. I believe if Sen. Obama doesn't get this settled down in just the Democratic primaries that John McCain will chew him up when he gets their. That is if Sen. Clinton doesn't truck in with all the votes on Tuesday and make this one heck of a long election. I just hope that Sen. Obama can get Sen. McCain on some key issues and not get slammed on his past the whole time if elected.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Tax's havn't gone far enough

In the article Einstein, Economy and Insanity - The effects of the economic Stimulus Act By J. Snodgrass he had many great points about why the economic stimulus plan should technically be apart of your tax refund versus having two different departments of the United states government loping your money around. I don't agree with people who say the government shouldn't take takes out of your checks because when most people have to do their taxes it is already hard enough to do them. Adding another responsibility to a lazy nation is always a bad Idea. The government also needs to have the money taken out every week from your check because the I.R.S. has enough problems trying to sort out how much money people owe them and lie about what their jobs are. Without getting taxes out of are checks each week this would hide how much people were making and how much the government should get taken out for roads,police,army,etc. and that will not happen under Americas strong hand. J. Snodgrass did have a good point mentioning that there is no reason for the Stimulus Act because it will do nothing but go to the banks we already owe money to and not the companies we buy products from!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

McCain and Economics doesn’t sound correct?

Sen. John McCain took a golden moment to shine before rubbing his face right back into the dirt. Sen. McCain said that he would not be willing to give any money back to people who were taken advantage of during the recent mortgage crisis but rather would wait to see how the market would reset over time. Also, Sen. McCain does not believe in updating any of the current regulations of the market and instead would demand a small down payment from all those applying for a loan. Sen. McCain also mentioned publicly that it is time for banks to stop giving out loans to people who can’t afford repay them. I think that Sen. McCain could try letting the government help those in debt by changing his plan from remaining in the Middle East for fifty to one hundred years to a significantly shorter time so our country will not dive further into a recession. Sens. Clinton and Obama opposed Sen. McCain’s ideas saying that the country cannot wait while another president sits around and watches our country to fall to pieces. Sen. Mc Cain has said many times to the public that he does not know a great deal about economics. He has proclaimed this for the past two years yet still says that the appropriate course of action is for nothing to be done. This country is in an economic crisis and does not need another President Hoover to take office and start a second Great Depression.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Sen. Obama a Possible Puppet??

Monday tensions fly once again with Sen. Clinton accusing Sen. Obama of misleading the public saying he would renegotiate the North American Trade agreement because of layoffs that have been happening in Ohio in the past four years. The Obama campaign of course accuses the Clinton administration of trying to make a bigger deal of the situation then it actually is. A Canadian diplomat has responded about the whole situation saying that Obama’s criticism of NAFTA was only about political positioning rather then going onto learning how to correct the policy to help both Americans and Canadians. The Obama campaign of course cried about the whole situation denying everything and also saying that Sen. Clinton knows that would not be the case due to Sen. Obama’s past history in Chicago helping workers getting there jobs back. Personally, I’m on Sen. Clinton’s side this time because she is calling things exactly how they are written on a paper by a Canadian diplomat. The Obama campaign really never has any defense except whining about Clinton attacking him on cheap shots. I just want to tell Mr. Obama that this is an election and he needs to stop acting like a puppet every time he gets called out, like our current President has been doing for the past eight years. Sen. Obama speaks of change but all I see is all talk and no play. I believe in these past two weeks I’ve seen Sen. Obama as an excellent poet and speaker but has come very short on explaining his policies and Sen. Clinton is sticking to her guns and firing her last few bullets to stay in this race with her needing to win Ohio and Texas on Tuesday to stay in the race.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Candidates, Stay Classy in Texas

Senator Obama has caught up to Senator Clinton in only two weeks. Former United States President Bill Clinton went down to Beaumont, Texas preaching that if his wife’s campaign wins Texas and Ohio, Obama can essentially kiss this race goodbye. During the same afternoon Senator Clinton said “It’s time to get real, to get real about how we actually win this election... It is time to move from good words to good works; from sound bites to sound solutions." Senator Clinton also commented on how Senator Obama is give great speeches but offers very few solutions. Since the loss, the Clinton party has lost in Wisconsin from not having enough support from blue collar working Americans and women. Senator Obama also made many more commercial ads than Senator Clinton due to her lack of fundraising in Wisconsin. Senator Clinton said that there will not be a problem in Texas, Ohio, and Pennsylvania with ads and feels pretty good about her chances on taking those three states. Senator Clinton did not congratulate Senator Obama on his wins on Tuesday but did appear worried in her speeches on Wednesday. With March 4th coming around the corner both candidates are putting on there boots and hitting the trail in Texas to take this widely Republican state and convince voters whose economic strategies and health care plans are going to rival the McCain party in the 2008 Presidential election. CNN has calculated the two delegates’ numbers with Senator Obama leading Senator Clinton 1,315 to 1,245. With the numbers being so close for both these delegates, they are both hoping there won’t be any snakes in either of the delegates boots.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Big pockets for Sen. Clinton

Senator Clinton has decided to lend her campaign an extra five million dollars in late January, she announced Wednesday. The race on Tuesday ran very tight between Hillary Clinton and her opponent, Barack Obama. Clinton won two large states, California and New York, on Tuesday. The Obama campaign upset Clinton’s party by winning small states like Alabama and Georgia. At the end of the day, Clinton won over Obama by only 15 points. The Clinton campaign announced that they have set aside twenty million dollars for the presidential campaign because they believe they are going to win the democratic primary. With both parties raising over a hundred million each, the merican people know they’re getting are moneys worth.